In this article we look at the concept of an Employer providing ‘suitable alternative employment‘ when an individuals job is being made redundant – what does it mean, how do you offer it, when is not suitable.
Redundancy is a ‘fair’ means of dismissal by your employer if you are an employee and the procedures they follow and the circumstances are correct. A redundancy situation happens when there is no more, or not enough, work for you and your colleagues (for example if your employer closes or relocates the business, or now needs fewer workers).
Employers need to consider the following factors when deciding if an alternative role will be ‘suitable’ to replace your redundant job:
- Will you have the right skills and experience for the new role?
- Are the terms of the alternative job similar – e.g. status, place of work, job duties, pay, hours of work, responsibility.
If it is reasonable for you to refuse a ‘suitable’ alternative role you will receive a statutory redundancy payment. You will not be due a redundancy payment if you unreasonably refuse a suitable alternative job offer.
Statutory Trial periods
If your employer offers you a new job that is a reasonable alternative to your old job, but where there are some differences to the old position and it’s terms and conditions, you are entitled to a 4 week statutory trial period in the new job.