Redundancy Advice & Settlement Agreements.
If you are an Employer who needs to make redundancies, or you wish to restructure your business, you will need help if you do not have a HR Department, to ensure you manage the process fairly and that you comply with complicated UK employment legislation.
Or you may wish to manage an employee out of the workplace and a Settlement Agreement may be appropriate (before 2013 these were called Compromise Agreements). Settlement Agreements were introduced by the Government in 2013 and are used to resolve problems in the workplace where it is in everyone’s interests to end the employment relationship in a mutually acceptable way, rather than following a dismissal procedure.
The HR Kiosk can help with Redundancy Advice & Settlement Agreements! We offer:
- Advice as and when you need it on an hourly basis.
- Or we can provide you with a personalised, comprehensive redundancy policy and accompanying management notes that offer insights – based on legislation, case law and our own extensive redundancy management experience – into how you actually make redundancies, and what you can and cannot do!
- Advice on what a Settlement Agreement is; how and when to negotiate a Settlement Agreement; the use of Pre-Termination Settlement Negotiations (Admissibility Provisions) and Without Prejudice principles; help throughout your conversations with the employee; and provision of the necessary letters and the final Agreement.
We can help you with your Redundancies by providing a process plan with timescales based on your situation, redundancy calculations and template letters to use throughout the process.
We can advise on consultation, company announcements, preparing FAQ for staff, identifying the selection pool, preparing selection criteria and breaking the bad news.
We can ‘hold your hand‘ throughout any Redundancy or Settlement Agreement situation.