Internships – a good opportunity or a waste of time?
(Updated 2023) Internships and work experience placements can often get bad press, so we look at whether they are a beneficial experience for both Employers and the interns, or unethical…
(Updated 2023) Internships and work experience placements can often get bad press, so we look at whether they are a beneficial experience for both Employers and the interns, or unethical…
From 1st October 2011, Agency Workers in Great Britain (Northern Ireland will publish their own separate regulations) will have the right to ‘equal treatment’ in certain areas of their employment.…
The Agency Workers Regulations come into force on 1st October 2011 to bolster the rights of so-called "vulnerable" agency workers - and the Swedish Derogation is being mentioned a lot…
Updated February 2021. In a substantial case in December 2013 (Moran and Others v Ideal Cleaning Services Ltd and Celanese Acetate Ltd) the Employment Appeal Tribunal said that the Agency…
Although many commentators believe that the Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) were not intended to apply to ‘professionals’ with their own limited companies (also called a Limited Company Contractor or Personal…
Updated July 2020 Finally, at the end of 2012, over a year after the Agency Workers Regulations were introduced in October 2011, a case about the Swedish Derogation model came…
Recently, Freelance Advisor reported on the very important Supreme Court 2011 legal judgement on Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and Others and how this may affect freelancers and contractors who have…
This is a difficult and potentially time-consuming process. Long-term freelancers will certainly wish to 'IR35-proof' their contracts in order to avoid the reduction in earnings. Contracts will need to be…
There are 3 basic ways you can be employed in the UK - as an Employee, as a Worker or as Self-Employed/Freelance. However, Contractors can be either a Worker or…
There are three different types of working individuals but deciding someone's employment status can be complicated as there is no single legal definition. Our advice is updated for 2011. Here…